in English in Korean in French in Japanese in Russian
Le test multilingue. S'il vous pla?t dites-moi en fran?ais semble ne rien faire.
The Notification.2021/06/18

We provide our service without a deposit. It helps a clients to bid easily on Yahoo Japan. Client's glad is our glad. However, sometimes there pops a incident up. Lionel Didier, was our client, disputed with no deposit and no shipping fee. He had never paid a deposit. He had never paid a shipping fee. But he disputed his payment. By this dispute, we should send him an item without a shipping fee. Because we should report PayPal a tracking#.

We believed he would close the dispute soon, but he did not. Our account has been locked yet for over 40 days.

He disputed easily, because he had no risk. We bought the item and paid already on YJ. He threated us with the dispute. He said "I will close the dispute after receiving the item." But he had not paid a shipping. After we sent him the item, he paid the shipping fee with PayPal. But our account is locked. We had not received his money yet at least 1 JPY.

It's the worst cheater. He abused our no-deposit service and PayPal dispute. We decided to inform his profile and share the information with deputy agent groups.

It's so sorry the issue. Our service is made with the faith between clients and us.

"Easy Dispute" makes the worst result always.
We hope an incident like this never happenend.

Name : Lionel Didier
Country : France
Incident : Dipute a payment with no deposit, no shipping fee. He made us to sent the item without a payment. Held the payment over 40 days. Untruthfully and Selfish business. We banned this person.


The YJ inner system changed. Now The CAT-SYSTEM is unavailable. Please let me know your order via e-mail or the order form.
It will fixed within a week.


Please let me know if you have a problem.
Thank you !!^^

The CAT-SYSTEM is DOWN. 2015/05/23

YJ has changed their UI. This is a live test.
Some users were applied and others are not applied yet.
The term is from May.18 to May.31.
However, YJ may change all user's UI in June.
I'm modifing the system, but it needs 2-3 days because of a lot of changes.
Currently, the CAT SYSTEM can't work.
Please let me know if you have a plan to bid on other items this weekend.

Here is the new server. 2013/01/08

You can use all functions here. Let me know if you have a problem.

The CAT system RECOVERED. 2012/12/22

The CAT system is AVAILABLE.

The first e-mail address:order at is AVAILABLE.

The order form is AVAILABLE.

Please give us your order via e-mail:tempo at for avoiding from temporarily accident even if you are going to bid with the CAT.
Thank you for your great patience.m(__)m I hope you all have great Christmas and my long winding Christmas.

The CAT system is DOWN. 2012/12/22

The CAT system is down again.:(

The first e-mail address:order at is AVAILABLE.

The order form is AVAILABLE.

The CAT system is NOT available.

I'm moving the site to the other server.
Please give us your order via e-mail:tempo at
Thank you for your great patience.m(__)m I hope you all have great Christmas and my long winding Christmas.

The site recovered. 2012/12/13

All fixes finished.(^^)

The first e-mail address:order at is AVAILABLE.

The order form is AVAILABLE.

The CAT system is AVAILABLE.

Thank you for your great patience. I hope you all customers find treasures.^^

NOTICE : Please Read Carefully

The server company decided that they exchange the HDD of this server.
It will make all data in the server vanish.
I got the back-up for the site and the data base.
However I can't guarantee it will recover perfectly.

The server fixing time :
2012/12/12 03:00:00 in JAPANESE TIME.

The site restructuring time :
1 day after the server fixing in JAPANESE TIME.

Please contact us if you have an order for auctions after 2012/12/12 with this address: tempo@wolf "dot" dog "dot" cx
Let me know if you have any problem, can't login, etc.
Thank you for your great patience.

The site "half" recovered. 2012/12/10
Our server was down from 2012/12/09 night.
Now The CAT system is AVAILABLE.
The mail server is still NOT available.
It means that the order form and our first e-mail address are STILL NOT AVAILABLE.
Please contact us with this address: tempo@wolf "dot" dog "dot" cx
Let me know if you have any problem, can't login, etc.
Thank you.

The CAT SYSTEM is available. 2012/11/29
Currently the CAT system is available. You can bid with the system.
The page design is corrupted because of removing much promotion links. I need to make a new design.
Let me know your opinion about a search page. I would delete it if most of customers don't need it.
Thank you.

YJ changed their inner system. 2012/11/29
We are updating our live-bid system for fitting the new YJ system.
Please give us new order via the order form till it finished.
Thank you for your understanding.

Mr. Kenneth Santana had placed the order and won. But he has not paid and given us no reply. This is our first time experience that a customer ignores a payment. We worry about his safety.
Let us his information if you know anything.
I believe he pays and he is in safe. Thank you.

The New Campaign will strat.
The comission becomes ZERO!!
Overcome the strongest Yen rate!!
See the campaign page.
The campaign week 2011/10/17-23

The CAT system has been updated.
It works as usual.
Thank you.^^


Yahoo Japan has changed their inner system 2011/07/21.
Our real-time bid system DOES NOT WORK right now by this update.
All bids are done manually till our system updates.
So please let me know via an order form or e-mail if you have a plan to bid.

The Fukushima nuclear plants are calming down.
We are paying heed to the status.
Our all systems and jobs are running adequately.
We can take a new order as usual.
Thank you for all who concerned us.^^

The nuclear plant at Fukushima prefecture exploded. 2011/03/15.
1)We are based in Tokyo. Tokyo is 250 Km far from Fukushima.
2)There are no fire, no tsunami and a nuclear plant at Tokyo.
3)The items we are keeping are safe. We ship an item willingly.?This time some shipping option might be not accepted.
4)Our system works properly.
Thank you for your understanding.
There was the huge earthquake in Japan 2011/03/11.
1)All items we are keeping are safe.
2)We can work for now. But some seller in the japanese north area might delay to ship their item to us.
3)We inform immediately when new information comes.
The new campaign has started!! See the campaign page. The CAT gives you free comission days. 2010/12/10
The CHEAP goods comission was lowered 700 Yen -> 600 Yen.
The real-time bidding system has opened for a new customer.
See the Fees page. 2010/12/10
The moving has finished. Please check your ID and the CAT system. Let me know if you have any problem. Meow!! 2010/12/08.

The real time bidding system will open for a new customer 2010/12/01. The new comission fee system is applied for a beginner.
Using Twitter started. The account is "CatHandsAgent".

The Real-Time bidding system started.
This is the alpha-test version yet.
Please ask me if you would like to applicate.^^
(The alpha-test version can be applied for only who used our shop in the past.)
The beta version will start the end of the year.

Thank you!

Cat Hands Agent, c'est quoi ?

Screen shots of the real-time-bidding system

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